Muncie, IN

Woman holding jaw due to TMJ painOur clinic Advanced Family Dentistry is the best place to get treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is a hinge type of joint that links your jaw to the skull. This means that you have two of these, one in front of each earlobe. This joint is important since it helps in the movement of your jaw, which controls the opening and closing of your mouth as you chew and speak. When these joints have a problem, then that is what our dentists refer to as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.

The causes of TMD can be many, but in some cases, it is difficult to narrow down to one direct cause. Sometimes it may be caused by a hard impact on your face, constantly grinding or clenching your teeth, an infection, or arthritis. If you notice a problem with your TMJ, then you should come into our clinic for a diagnosis. These issues are usually quite severe and can lead to severe problems such as a locked jaw, inability to open or close your mouth, and it may cause you much pain. You may also experience some exhaustion on your face as well as swelling.

TMD Treatment

When you come into our offices, our dentist will have a look at your jaw. The exam may involve a few exercises so he can identify the problem. He will feel the point where the joint should be as a way to determine what can be done. In some cases, our dentists require an x-ray of your jaw to ascertain where the issue is.

Our dentists are experienced in treating different causes of TMD, and they will take you through your options. In many cases, it will not involve surgery. Usually, you may be given strong medication to help manage the pain. If the joint has dislocated, then the procedure will include setting it back into position. You may also be prescribed therapy, which could involve a custom made mouthguard, or muscle relaxers depending on the issue.

Care And Pain Management

Usually, when you have TMD, you will experience much pain, which is why our dentists prescribe strong pain relievers. Ensure that you take these responsibly as abuse may lead to other medical concerns. If therapy is recommended, there are different types, and our dentist will explain what the recommended one will help you with.Ensure that you follow our directions on how to care for your jaw, which includes dietary recommendations. This should help your TMJ to recover with due care and some patience.

You may still feel some discomfort after the pain is gone, but as long as it is not severe, you will be fine. However, in case of any unexpected changes, you should come in as soon as you can so our dentists can look at it. If you try out several treatments without success, the dentist may recommend surgery, but this is a rarity. We will explain all the benefits and risks, so you are well informed.In case of any questions, please contact us on Advanced Family Dentistry at (765) 287-5338.

Get in Touch

3511 W Fox Ridge Ln.
Muncie, IN 47304-5206

Office Hours:

Mon: 8am - 5pm
Tue: 8am - 5pm
Wed: 8am - 5pm
Thu: 8am - 5pm
Fri: 7am - 2pm

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TMJ Disorder | Advanced Family Dentistry - Muncie, IN
Advanced Family Dentistry is the place to get treatment for TMJ Disorder. Our dentists are experienced in treating different causes, and they will take you through your options.
Advanced Family Dentistry, 3511 W Fox Ridge Ln., Muncie, IN 47304-5206 : (765) 287-5338 : afddental.com : 1/17/2025 : Page Keywords: dentist Muncie IN :